Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Girl's Camp!!

School was out, June was upon us, and that spells Girl's Camp! With Lish being in the Young Women's Preisidency, Charlie as a Bishop, and Al as one of the Young Women, it was a family camping trip on Kolob Mountain!
We listened to some oustanding talks from the Stake Presidency, and enjoyed some good music and singing from all of the ladies at the camp.
Everyone was involved with crafts and other fun activities. Leaders and girls had a great time and came home as better friends and sisters in the Gospel.

Girl's camp even gave Charlie a chance to let his hair down (figuritively speaking) and let his true personality come out. Maybe he shouldn't get out so often.

Allie had a great time doing some archery, canoeing, and working hard doing service projects. (If only we could get her to work that hard at cleaning her bedroom!)

As you can she, she had a great time!! (She loves to get her picture taken!) It was so much cooler on the mountain than home. We enjoyed it and almost hated coming back to the heat. It was a growing experience for all of us.


  1. Alisha, you and I need to talk about girls camp ASAP!!! They made me camp director this year! Uggg. I am so happy that you were all able to go as a family. I still can't believe Charlie is a bishop. WOW!!! I miss you guys lots!!!

  2. Sounds like you guys had fun. i do wish i wouldve been able to come. Girls camp always ends up being a great experience.
